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This paper presents the results of catalytic endo- to exo-isomerization of tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene. Several zeolites were tested and influences of calcinations temperatures, Si/Al ratio and cations of the zeolites on the reaction were investigated. The results showed that HY zeolites were more active than other zeolites and Y zeolites with other cations, because of its large pore size and relative strong acidity. In all HY zeolites with different Si/Al, H-USY is best. On one hand, H-USY has more moderate acids than others.

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On the other hand, the high thermal stability of H-USY makes it suitable choice for recycling catalysts. In all the zeolites tested, H-USY calcined at 450 °C was favorable. Regeneration of H-USY showed no decrease of exo-yield while had better exo-selectivity.

The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is a character string generated by computer algorithms to facilitate the electronic treatment of chemical structures. InChIs are unique to the chemical structures they describe, making chemicals machine-readable and discoverable; InChI is the bar-code for chemical structures.The InChI program includes the ability to generate an InChIKey—a condensed 25-character representation of the InChI string. This compact representation significantly expands the use of InChI encoding for structure specification and search, particularly over the Internet.For more information visit the InChI Trust website at or the IUPAC website at.

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Create comprehensive reports to clearly communicate your research, and scientific information. Conveniently embed structures, schema, and other chemical information directly into Microsoft Word and PowerPoint documents. Produce publication-ready figures for popular journals, e.g., ACS, RSC, Helvetica, and moreI find the ACD/ChemSketch software to be very intuitive. Furthermore, it appears to seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft Office programs, such as Word.Thomas J. Siepmann, Attorney; Birch, Stewart, Kolasch, & Birch, LLP.