Discipline Crusade Game

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Discipline game crusade
  1. Crusades Board Game
  2. Video Game Crusades

Discipline: Record of a Crusade - Walkthrough (Adult Title)^^Discipline: The Record of a Crusade (PC)Copyright 2002, 2007 by Active Soft and Kitty MediaWalkthroughbyBen Woodhouseshakymercury(at)yahoocomJan. 19, 2008Version 1.00^^.CONTENT DISCLAIMER.Discipline: The Record of a Crusade is an adult bishoujo game, meaning itcontains sex. Therefore it is intended solely for people over the age of 18.If you are of age and still find such material objectionable, then you probablyhave no interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.-=-=-CONTENTS-=-=-=-Easy Navigation System.To quickly jump to the desired section,hit CTRL+F and type in the section's shorthand code.i. System Requirements.SR02iii.


Crusades Board Game

Event Mode and CG Mode.VR05vi. Version History.VH06vii. Copyright Information.CI07-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-i.

INTRODUCTION CODE: IN01=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-When his parents move overseas, Takuro Hayami chooses to stay behind at theSt. Alcadia (or is it Arcadia) Academy for several reasons. A good academicrecord. An easy entrance exam.

But most important, because it has a favorableratio of girls to guys. Turns out there's a good reason why guys stay away.And the source of that reason is Leona Morimoto. Her familly holds enormouspower in Japan, her sister is the 'head' of the school, so no matter howoutrageous her inclinations, this girl has gotten her way her entire life.The Academy is her personal playground, and the people in it are her dolls.And Hayami is her new favorite.Some people are willing to risk their future to stand up against Leona'sbehavoir, and winning obviously won't be easy. Your job is to force Hayamito make the right choices to overthrow the tyrant.

Video Game Crusades

Discipline: The Recordof a Crusade is a command selection adventure; at points in the dialogue, youselect Hayami's action from a multiple-choice menu. Frank black teenager of the year. There's only one wayout. Good luck finding it!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-ii.