Sheridan Blue Streak Serial Number Location
Theresa sent this letter to me and I am asking any of you if you can help Theresa.As far as her problem on the forum. That I can take care of.Chuck.I have tried to get information on this airgun and have not been able to get what I need. I have called both pyramidair and crosman. They recommended a search on the internet for bluebook or just type in 'sheridan blue streak 1972'. So I tried the later and found you.
I hope you can help.I tried registering on the website but it has been three days and my registration has not been approved yet so I am trying to contact you this way - email.My father bought the Sheridan Blue Streak when I was a child. From the serial number I did find it was manufactured in 1972. I am searching for a manual, and also where I can get a cleaning kit for the gun. Also instructions on how to clean it.I remember as a child my father taugh me how to shoot it (I was about 8-9). I remember watching him clean it but the manual and cleaning instruments are nowhere to be found. All I have managed to keep is the gun and the original ammo.I would also like to find out what this gun may be worth?
And where in Ohio (as close to Dover, OH 44622) there is a service dealer - I can take the gun to be cleaned. I would also like to find somewhere I can get ammo and cleaning accessories for the gun. In my area.Can you help with any of my questions, or direct me to where I might find these answers.Thanks for your time. Friend Chuck,I will holler at Tom so Miz Theresa kin find out whatever she needs ta know bout the gun, but I wanna take a shot at the cleanin' question.I use the Patchworm on my airguns. I kin always pull away frum the breech.Fer airguns, ya dont use no Hoppe 'er Sweets 'er such. I jest use Goo Gone. After I run a few Goo Gone patches 'n they come out purty clean, I pull a clean patch thru, then I pull a patch with jest a little bit of oil.then one last clean patch.It haz been a mitey long time since I cleaned a airgun.
They jest dont lead up too often. I hear plenty of tales bout folks overcleanin'. I heard tales of folks usin' WD40 'n ruinin' the gun. I will clean my airguns when they git ta where they dont shootin' straight.:wink:regardsbearridgeP.S. Buyin' pellets iz eazy. I jest bought $150 worth frum Pyramid Air cuz the shippin' iz free, but first I'd go to Straight Shooters 'n git a pellet sampler.jest ta see what kinda pellets yer gun likes.then contact Pyramid.Everybody has their own personal El Guapo, today ours just happens to be the real El Guapo!
Well Theresa let's get the value question out of the way first because it always seems to be a hanging point. If real estate value can be safely said to hinge on 'Location, location & location' then airgun value can be said to be predicated on 'Condition, condition & condition'.
If the gun is in 'New In Box' condition in a perfect example of the original shipping carton with all the original paperwork and hang-tags and never been shot then it is a totally different can of worms from a used gun in good, used shape. The Model 'C' you have is known in the airgun fraternity as the 'rocker safety' model and is generally ceded to be the most desireable model Sheridan from a user standpoint.As yet they have no significant collector value unless in the above described NIB condition. I'm afraid you're right. Theresa appears to have vanished back into the netherworld of the internet. Perhaps old phartes respond too slowly for her?
Ah well, if the Kool-aid Kult fails to prevail she too may live long enough to need 3 days or so to mull over an answer.:wink:Chuck wrote:Dang! You know me far too well!:lol:There's no point it having collected all the 'stuff' that clogs the between-the-ears hard drive if it can't be shared. Too many barked knuckles and stupid moves are required to learn them not to share. Besides, as you well know, airguns are one of my passions and I love helping when I can.

But I'll be the first to admit that, like a mule, the first thing you gotta do is get my attention. Bear did that in this case with a PM, to which I responded with something less than my usual breakneck glacial haste. Unfortunately it appears Ms. Theresa was in too much of a rush. I wish her well nevertheless. Mister High Sheriff,I am glad she iz up 'n shootin'. Most of the time I ferget how grateful I oughta be that those young fellas in Philadelphia knew how much we need our shootin' irons.
It iz hard ta understand how a country wouldnt look out fer its own folks.:cry:I bet most of us dont think about how much we owe them fellas.often enuff. Too busy shootin' firecrackers 'n eatin' tater salad I reckon.:?regardsbearridgeps Ya'll seen the Iraq constitution? Sad.mitey sad. I reckon they warnt ready fer freedom.An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last. Winston Churchill. The real problem is that fewer each generation even realize the Founding Fathers existed under the current 'teaching' system in our schools.
But you do have to give credit where it's due-the teaching unions have managed to figure out how to keep hungry young minds in captivity for 12 years and prevent education simultaneously. Does anyone see the dichotomy of putting a union, whose primary purpose is extracting the greatest pay for the least work while keeping the least effective employed, in charge of the minds of future generations? That's hardly a Constitution-unless you consider a reaffirmation of Islamic religious law a Constitution. It is being portrayed by the press as a 'Democratic' document. Nothing could be further from the truth-it merely confirms what we already knew, that Islamic society will not and CANNOT be other than a complete Theocracy.And another thing:lol: -spreading 'Democracy' is hardly anything to be proud of as Democracy was second only to royalty as a danger to freedom in the minds of those who penned our seminal documents and is the very reason that this nation was structured as a Republic.
Recall the line from the Oath to the Flag? 'And to the Republic for which it stands'.But I shouldn't even allow myself to get started!:evil. Let's start by getting on the same page. You may have an old Benjamin OR you may have an old Silver Streak or you may have a Benjamin Silver Streak, in which case it can't be very old since Benjamin hasn't owned the Sheridan name long enough to have pruduced guns with the combined names that can be thought of as old. If it is a Silver Streak it should be.20 caliber as that is the ONLY caliber ever built by Sheridan, a fact honored by Benjamin after they bought Sheridan. That may have changed in recent years since I don't pay much attention to current production.
In which case it wouldn't be 'old'. If it is any other caliber it is a Benjamin produced model.So we need to determine exactly which gun you have because the 'innards' can vary so much that suggestions on curing the problem cannot be addressed 'til we know except by saying 'Send it to Bryan & Assoc.' If it is stamped Benjamin Silver Streak by the factory then there's a good chance that you have a gun new enough that you can repair it yourself without the special tools required to work on both older Benjamins and Sheridans.If it has Sheridan Silver Streak stamped on it then you can figure on sending it out if it needs internal repair. 'Burping' indicates to me that it is pumping and holding to some extent. Perhaps you would term 'belching' as working properly? Frankly you need to give up the colloqial phraseology until we get this figured out because we need to communicate clearly. I'm a big fan of regional dialects and practice both my native Texas tongue and that of the Ozarks where I live but this is one instance where good communication without risk of misunderstanding is required.
Then we can both slip back into something more comfortable.;o). I am happy to report that you have an early model 'C', the 'affordable' replacement for the rare (and VERY expensive) models A & B. As such it is becoming collectable. I sold a VERY nice 'hold-down safety' (amazing designation isn't it-but that's what it's called in the world of Sheridan collectors) model'C' earlier this year for a bit less than $200 to give you an idea of value. To elaborate the gun was not in New-in-Box condition but was in 'Excellent', almost like new' condition with no metal damage, corrosion or scratches and with a fresh rebuild. It was also an outstandingly accurate gun of the model.
Sheridan Blue Streak Serial Number Location Case Stx
The only serious defect from a collectors viewpoint was that I had been forced to refinish the stock due to no remaining original finish. Fortunately the wood was in excellent unmarred condition otherwise and refinished beautifully. But it was readily obvious that it wasn't original-a markdown in the eyes of the serious collector.That's the good news. The bad news is that it'll cost a few bucks more to get it repaired than a run-of-the-mill 'rocker safety' model simply because it HAS acquired collectable status and, as such, more care must be taken during work to see that no cosmetic damage is done.And here is where I recommend sending it to Ron Sauls at Bryan and Assoc. Recommended in my reply to the lady above. He is the only one I will trust with my collectable domestic multi-pump pnuematic guns and is the one who did the rebuild on the example cited above. I suggest you contact Ron before sending it to determine cost.
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Tell him I sent you. It'll only add @ 20% to the cost.;o)See the post to the lady on caring for the cosmetics of the gun.You have found a very nice example and it's worth saving unless it's a cosmetic wreck. Unlike modern examples of the breed it will escalate in value if it's a good one. The chances of it being acceptably accurate are also better than current production unless some cretin or adolescent has tried to shoot something other than lead pellets thru it. But you should be able to tell the condition of the rifling with the use of a good bore light. If you are unsure take it to a gunsmith for evaluation of the rifling before spending the rebuild $.If you don't want to mess with it you can probably trade it for a functioning later model by offering the trade on the American Vintage Airguns site mentioned in my reply to Theresa.If you need to know more or if I neglected something just let me know.HTH, Tom. Depends on the Red Ryder.
BB gun collectors have a LOT less sense than even pellet gun collectors. While memory isn't too keen these days I seem to recall that model originated in 1938. Frankly there's no telling how much a NIB example would command at auction these days.Remember the Daisys built to look like a double-barrel shotgun? Originals in just average condition bring @ $500 and cherry examples are traded secretly' off list, for prices no one will readily admit to.The survival rate of BB guns was much worse than pellet guns due to the age bracket of the owners so there are far fewer nice examples to fill the vacancies in collections.
As a result prices are often well past ridiculous.I spoke to a local judge, a BB gun collector who shall remain unidentified to protect the guilty from spousal abuse, a few years ago at the swap meet in Little Rock on the first day, Friday, and asked him if he was staying for the following 2 days. 'Nope, I only brought $5,000 and I'm about tapped out so I'm driving home tonight'.By contrast the airgun that I personally consider the height of American domestically designed and produced multi-pump pnuematics, the Crosman 1400, can be bought in nice useable condition for $100 or less from almost anyone 'in the biz'.The collecting of anything can quickly transcend 'hobby' and go directly to 'mental illness' without the victim being aware of his disease.:lol.