Vba For Microsoft Project 2007

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Application.FileSaveAs method (Project). 4 minutes to read.In this articleSaves the active project to a new file name or exports data to a file. FileSaveAs ( Name, Format, Backup, ReadOnly, TaskInformation, Filtered, Table, UserID, DatabasePassWord, FormatID, Map, Password, WriteResPassword, ClearBaseline, ClearActuals, ClearResourceRates, ClearFixedCosts, XMLName, ClearConfirmed)expression A variable that represents an object. Parameters NameRequired/OptionalData typeDescriptionNameOptionalStringThe name of a project file.FormatOptionalPjFileFormatSpecifies the file format. The format of the file.

The FormatID argument should be used in place of Format, which is included primarily for backwards compatibility. If FormatID is specified, Format is ignored. Can be one of the constants. The default is pjMPP.BackupOptionalBooleanTrue if Project creates a backup copy of the file. The default is False.ReadOnlyOptionalBooleanTrue if Project should display an alert recommending that the file be opened read-only. If selectively exporting data instead of saving a complete project, ReadOnly is ignored. The default value is False.TaskInformationOptionalBooleanTrue if task information is saved in a non-project file format.

The Map argument should be used in place of TaskInformation, which is included primarily for backward compatibility. If Map is specified, TaskInformation is ignored. The default value is True if the active view is a task view; otherwise, it is False.FilteredOptionalBooleanTrue if filtered tasks or resources are saved, for a project saved in a non-Project file format. False if all the tasks or resources are saved. If Map is specified, Filtered is ignored.

The default value is False.TableOptionalVariantThe name of the table containing resource or task information for a project saved in a non-Project file format. The Map argument should be used in place of Table, which is included for backward compatibility. If Map is specified, or Name specifies a project file format, Table is ignored. The default value is the name of the active table.UserIDOptionalStringNot used. Project can open a project file that an earlier version of Project saved to an ODBC database, but cannot save to a database.DatabasePassWordOptionalStringNot used.


Project cannot save to an ODBC database.FormatIDOptionalStringSpecifies the file format to use. If Project recognizes the format of the file specified by Name, FormatID is ignored. FormatID can be one of the for saving files.MapOptionalStringThe name of the import/export map to use when exporting data.PasswordOptionalStringA password to use when opening password-protected project files. If Password is incorrect or omitted and a file requires a password, the user is prompted for the password.WriteResPasswordOptionalStringA password to use when writing to a write-reserved project file. If WriteResPassword is omitted and the file requires a password, the user is prompted for the password.ClearBaselineOptionalBooleanTrue if baseline values (the Baseline Cost, Baseline Work, Baseline Start, Baseline Finish, Baseline Duration, Timephased Baseline Work, and Timephased Baseline Cost fields) are cleared when saving as a template. The default value is False.ClearActualsOptionalBooleanTrue if actual values (the% Complete field, and if actual costs are not calculated by Project, the Actual Cost field) are cleared when saving as a template.

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The default value is False.ClearResourceRatesOptionalBooleanTrue if resource rate tables are cleared when saving as a template. The default value is False.ClearFixedCostsOptionalBooleanTrue if the Fixed Costs field is cleared for all tasks when saving as a template. The default value is False.XMLNameOptionalVariantThis is the XML DOM object that is passed to the function when FormatID is 'MSProject.XML'. The FileSaveAs method fails if the XML format is specified and XMLName is not a valid XML DOM object.

If FormatID is anything other than 'MSProject.XML', XMLName should be NULL and the method should fail. Only one of XMLName or Name can be specified.ClearConfirmedOptionalBooleanTrue if the information is cleared about whether tasks have been confirmed as published to Project Server.