Dr Chakravarthy Video Songs
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Dr Chakravarthy Allegheny General
Doctor Chakravarthy is 1963 Telugu drama film Directed by Adurthi Subba Rao starring Akkineni Nageswara Rao and Savitri. The film is based on Chakrabhramanam novel written by Koduri Kausalya Devi.Cast:Akkineni Nageswara RaoSavitriJaggayyaSowcar JanakiKrishna KumariGummadi Venkateswara RaoSuryakanthamGeethanjaliPadmanabhamChalamJayanthiT.KrishnaCrew:Director: Adurthi Subba RaoProducedr: D. Madhusudhana RaoWritten: Koduri Kausalya Devi (story), Acharya Atreya (Dialogues )Music: Saluri Rajeswara RaoiDreammedia Channels and Video Songs.