Saxophone Quartet Sheet Music

Saxophone Quartet Sheet Music Free Download
The Hollywood Saxophone Quartet - SheetMusicThe Hollywood Saxophone QuartetSheetMusicHSQ SHEET MUSIC: ALPHABETICAL BY TITLE, AND WHERE TO GET IT:My brother remembers our Mom packing up three boxes with identical copies of all the HSQ sheet music. She sent one off to Yale, one off to Stanford, and one off to USC.I have the Stanford 'BOX', but in most cases I don't have the right to post them here. However, I can help you find it in a legal way. If you know of some other pieces associated with the HSQ, or know of some sources that I don't list below, please let me know.I noticed that the guys had numbered the tunes in their 'book'. If you are curious about the origins of the sheet music you purchased on the internet from a guy who inherited it from some other sax quartet who copied it from the library (etc etc), you might be able to recognize it as an HSQ copy by a hand written number scrawled at the top of the first page. I've added these numbers (HSQ#nnn) into the table below. Interestingly, it seems that each player wrote their own numbers in their own style.
Not a problem at all Johanne. I am happy to help with extra parts, re-arrangements and such, at any time. We use Sibelius here, but unfortunately, we are unable to give the original files away (for copyright issues).In any case, please, confirm the fact you'd like to simply have an alternative alto saxophone part in place of the soprano part, and I'll proceed to make it for you.

Saxophone Quartet Sheet Music Christmas
Fender coronado serial numbers. Will that be for the Liszt Nocturne only or the complete Valentine Collection?I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks againAll the best.