Arthur Rubinstein Chopin Collection

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  1. Artur Rubinstein Pianist

Rubinstein in 1906Rubinstein made his New York debut at in 1906, and thereafter toured the United States, Austria, Italy, and Russia. According to his own testimony and that of his son in 's film (1969), he was not well received in the United States. By 1908, Rubinstein, destitute and desperate, hounded by creditors, and threatened with being evicted from his Berlin hotel room, made a failed attempt to hang himself. Subsequently, he said that he felt 'reborn' and endowed with an unconditional love of life. In 1912, he made his London debut, and found a musical home there in the Edith Grove, musical salon of Paul and Muriel Draper, in company with Kochanski, and others.During, Rubinstein stayed in London, giving recitals and accompanying the violinist. In 1916 and 1917, he made his first tours in Spain and South America where he was wildly acclaimed. It was during those tours that he developed a lifelong enthusiasm for the music of,.

He was the dedicatee of Manuel de Falla's, Villa-Lobos's and Stravinsky's.Rubinstein was disgusted by Germany's conduct during the war and never played there again. A cast of the pianist's hands, at the museumDuring his time in California, Rubinstein provided the piano soundtrack for several films, including with.

He appeared, as himself, in the films and Of Men and Music.Although best known as a recitalist and concerto soloist, Rubinstein was also considered an outstanding chamber musician, partnering with such luminaries as, and the. Rubinstein recorded much of the core piano repertoire, particularly that of the composers. At the time of his death, in describing him wrote, ' was his specialty. It was as a Chopinist that he was considered by many without peer.' With the exception of the, he recorded most of the works of Chopin. In 1964, at the height of the, he gave a legendary concert in, with a pure Chopin program.

He was one of the earliest champions of Spanish and South American composers, as well as of the early 20th century (such as and ). In addition, Rubinstein promoted the music of his compatriot. Rubinstein, in conversation with, named as his favorite composer, a response that enraged Scriabin.In 1969, the film was released; it won the for Best Documentary Feature.

(A later TV special, Rubinstein at 90, highlighted how he had been playing for people for eight decades.)By the mid-1970s, Rubinstein's eyesight had begun to deteriorate. He retired from the stage at age 89 in May 1976, giving his last concert at London's, where he had first played nearly 70 years before.Rubinstein, who was fluent in eight languages, held much of the repertoire (and not only that of the piano) in his formidable memory.

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Arthur Rubinstein Chopin Collection

According to his memoirs, he learned 's while on a train en route to the concert, without the benefit of a piano, practicing passages in his lap. Rubinstein described his memory as, to the extent that he would visualize an errant coffee stain while recalling a score.Rubinstein also had exceptionally developed abilities, which allowed him to play whole symphonies in his mind. 'At breakfast, I might pass a Brahms symphony in my head,' he said. 'Then I am called to the phone, and half an hour later I find it's been going on all the time and I'm in the third movement.' This ability was often tested by Rubinstein's friends, who would randomly pick extracts from opera and symphonic scores and ask him to play them from memory.Rubinstein's autobiography contained two volumes: My Young Years (1973); and My Many Years (1980).

Many were displeased by their emphasis on personal anecdotes over music. Pianist, one of Rubinstein's greatest admirers, was profoundly disappointed by reading My Many Years: 'Until then,' he told Sachs, 'I had idolized Rubinstein—I had wanted to have a life like his, the book changed all that.' In a reflective muse, Rubinstein once noted 'It is simply my life, music. I live it, breathe it, talk with it.

I am almost unconscious of it. No, I do not mean I take it for granted—one should never take for granted any of the gifts of God.

But it is like an arm, a leg, part of me. On the other hand, books and paintings and languages and people are passions with me, always to be cultivated. I am a lucky man to have a business which allows me to be on the road so much. On the train, the plane, I have time to read.

There again, I am a lucky man to be a pianist. A splendid instrument, the piano, just the right size so that you cannot take it with you. Instead of practicing, I can read. A fortunate fellow, am I not?'

Personal life. Grave of Arthur Rubinstein at Arthur Rubinstein forest near JerusalemRubinstein died in his sleep at his home in, on 20 December 1982, at the age of 95, and his body was. On the first anniversary of his death, an urn holding his ashes was buried in —as specified in his —in a dedicated plot now dubbed 'Rubinstein Forest' overlooking the.

This was arranged with Israel's chief so that the main forest would not fall under religious laws governing cemeteries.In October 2007, his family donated to the an extensive collection of original manuscripts, manuscript copies and published editions that had been seized by the during from his residence. Seventy-one items were returned to his four children, marking the first time that Jewish property kept in the was returned to the legal heirs.In 1974, Jan Jacob Bistritzky established the, held every three years in Israel, intended to promote the careers of young and outstanding pianists. The Arthur Rubinstein Award and other prizes are presented to the winners. The Rubinstein Competition also commissions works by Israeli composers.There is an Arthur Rubinstein Street in Tel Aviv, Israel.Recordings. Further information: External audio You may hear Arthur Rubinstein performing 's with conducting the in 1947In 1910, Rubinstein recorded 's for the Polish Favorit label. The pianist was displeased with the process, saying it made the piano sound 'like a ' and did not record again until the advent of.

However, Rubinstein made numerous music rolls for the system and the (AMPICO) in the 1920s.Beginning in 1928, Rubinstein began to record extensively for the, better known as in England and then in the US, making a large number of solo, concerto and recordings until his retirement in 1976. As recording technology improved, from 78-rpm discs to LPs and stereophonic recordings, Rubinstein re-recorded much of his repertoire. All of his RCA recordings have been released on compact disc and amount to about 107 hours of music.Rubinstein preferred to record in the studio, and during his lifetime approved for release only about three hours of live recordings.

However, since his death, several labels have issued live recordings taken from radio broadcasts.Honours.

Artur Rubinstein Pianist

With the cover proclaiming it is 'The World's Biggest Set for a Solo Artist!,' this box contains everything the completist fan of pianist could ever want. Not only are there nearly 150 discs of music - both reissued and newly issued recordings - there's also a handsome, hardcover book and two DVDs: one with a documentary about, the other his 1975 recital benefitting Israel. The book is filled with pictures and also includes 's discography arranged both by composer and by date. Became known primarily for his interpretations - and this box does have all of his recordings of - but he also excelled in the music of the Impressionists, such as,. His chamber music recordings with, and others are also here. The hardcore fan who feels that he/she is missing something may very well find it in this extensive collection of material.